‘Tis the season! Stuffy nose, scratchy throat, itchy eyes, throbbing head, swollen sinuses. Yep, allergies have come to the Bay Area!
So I thought we’d try to whip something up, inspired by @foodieguide during the last season (Flu Season).
Here’s your Allergy Drink Recipe:

To boiling water add:
-fresh mint
-fresh lemon juice (feel free to drop both sides of the peel in)
-angostura bitters (old wives tales narrate angostura’s magical medicinal wonders—this has, of course, never been proved. But I just like the flavor, especially with mint)

The result:
A tangy, hot drink that is rather invigorating for a hay fever sufferer. It definitely soothes my itchy throat and calms my headache.
Possible tweaks:
My only wish is that I didn’t hit the bottom of my honey jar and could have added much more (must make trip to next farmers market). A thicker, sweet consistently would have been nice. One other experiment would be to add orange bitters instead of angostura.
What do you drink when you’re suffering from allergies or colds? I’ve heard hot toddys work wonders!
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